The “Printed Sheets” project is a set of actions that have been performed since 2006 in the Historic Centre of Belém (Pará). The main goal is to provoke a debate on issues such as heritage, identity and oblivion, through images and oral memories, published in tabloids newspapers with free circulation in neighborhoods of Campina, Commerce area and Old Town.
“Folha do Ver-o-Peso”
(released at Mercado do Ver-o-Peso / 2006)
“Folha do ver-o-peso” was edited from interviews with workers and patrons of the complex of Ver-o -Peso, revealing part of the changes in daily place, labor relations, arguments over tradition and maintaining space and memory. The forms were distributed during the 25th Arte Pará Exposition, as part of the process of urban interventions performed in this space.
Faça download da Folha do Ver-o-peso
“Folha da Campina” and “No porão project”
(Campina / 2007)
“Folha da Campina” was conducted through interviews with residents and patrons of the district, and articles written by guests. These reports enable us to think about this urban territory ravaged by daily violence and public indifference. This form is part of a larger project called “In the Basement” [No Porão], subsidized by the Ipiranga Visual Arts Exchange. The action was combined with exposure namesake, riding at Porão 619, in the neighborhood of Campina, creating in this place a memory space and poetic reconstruction of a part of the historic heritage of Belém, bringing together collections of images and objects of the neighborhood and families and portraits of characters made over nine months, in the very Porão.
Faça download da Folha da Campina
Started in 2006 - ongoing.
Base capture: negative BxW and digital.